Effective Ways to Clean 4 Items in the Living Room
The living room is the core of the house, where we rest after a day of work before finally deciding to sleep in the room. Not only that, the living room is also the most appropriate place to gather with family, just watching movies at night and of course also serves to welcome guests. When in the living room, many people including you touch things that are unwittingly very dirty. Launch Apartment Therapy, here are some items in the living room that tend to be very dirty and tips on cleaning it:
1. Remote control
Remote is the item most often touched by all family members. Of course, these items must be cleaned every month, especially if there are family members who are sick. To clean the remote, remove the battery and wipe each button with every other surface opening with disinfectant liquid. Make sure the surface stays wet for a few minutes, or you can dip cotton in alcohol then rub and do the same thing.
2. Video game consoles
Just like a remote, the video game console is also a den of germs. Because, many who play video game consoles with dirty hands that could be at that time you are eating snacks. Also read: Direct Clean, Here's the Easy Way to Clean the Oven To clean the video game console, it's very easy. First remove the battery or remove the plug from the console, then use as little moisturizer as possible to make it clean. Before using a cleaning solution, brush any dirty gaps with a toothbrush or a small cleaning brush. Next, clean the video game console using disinfectant liquid. In addition, using a cotton ball can also be an option for cleaning this toy. How, dip a cotton ball in a mixture of vinegar and water or alcohol. Make sure to overcome the area on all buttons. Then, rinse the remaining water with a cloth and let it dry completely before putting it back in again.
3. Pillows
Items in the potentially dirty living room are pillows. Pillows are often exposed to tea spills, stepped on, and certainly used as a base for the head. Even worse, as a base for pets. Therefore, you must frequently clean pillowcases. Therefore, pillowcases can be a gathering place for fungi, and bacteria, to the pillow layers. In fact, pillowcases must be cleaned every two to four weeks and so must cotton be cleaned every month. It's easy to make the pillow clean, you can wash using your hands or washing machine. 4. Furniture upholstery Furniture goods certainly use upholstery. Just like a pillow, it can be when you eat or drink, often spilling it. No need to worry, you can clean the furniture upholstery using cloth that is not used. Then, place the clean cloth with a solution of dish soap and water. If there is enough dirt, you can brush it clean. Next, use a vacuum to remove any dirt on your furniture upholstery regularly, at least once a week.
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