Astronomers Make Sure Oumuamua's Interstellar Object Is Not An Alien Ship

In October 2017, astronomers discovered a strange object in our Solar System. Its trajectory and speed indicate that it belongs to a different star system.

By researchers from the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy, the mysterious object was given the name "Oumuamua", which means "reconnaissance" in Hawaiian.

Over the course of several weeks, it became apparent that there was another peculiarity of Oumuamua. This has led scientists to speculate that it contains clues about extraterrestrials.

However, after looking for some signs that show evidence of extraterrestrial life, they returned empty-handed.

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In a study published in Nature Astronomy, a research team from The International Space Science Institute, declaring that Oumuamua as an alien ship is a "fun idea". However, from what has been discovered to date, everything can be explained by natural phenomena.

They say, just because Oumuamua doesn't act like other objects in the Solar System, doesn't mean there are green-skinned aliens behind it.

“We assembled a strong team of experts in different areas to study Oumuamua. This cross-research produces the first comprehensive analysis and the best large summary of the object, "said Matthew Knight, one of the researchers from the University of Maryland who was involved in the study.

Among Oumuamua's many oddities, it looks like an elongated cigar that rotates around its longest shaft. It also travels faster in the Solar System. For a comet, Oumuamua is quite striking.

“We've never seen anything like Oumuamua in the solar system. It's still a mystery, "said Knight.

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This interstellar object is too faint to study at this point. So, our understanding of Oumuamua will only expand if we study it more.

“In the next ten years, we will probably see more objects like Oumuamua. The Large Sypnotic Survey Telescope (LSST) will go beyond our current research in terms of its ability to find interstellar visitors, "said Knight.

"We will see new objects every year. That's when we will find out if Oumuamua is really a strange object or just ordinary. If we find 10-20 similar objects, but Oumuamua still looks unusual, we have to re-examine the study, ”he concluded.

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