Archaeologists Discover the 4,500-Year-Old Neolithic Monument Near Stonehenge

A two kilometer wide circle with prehistoric holes over 10 meters in diameter and five meters deep was found near Stonehenge, England.

Quoting BBC Indonesia, the holes are estimated to have been made in Neolithic times and were dug more than 4,500 years ago.

According to experts, the 20 holes are at least used as a barrier to the sacred area connected with Stonehenge.

Also Read: Photographs of the Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb in 1922 Made in Color

A small yellow circle marks the location of the discovery. Durrington Wals are marked with a brown circle. While Stone Henge is in the upper left.
A small yellow circle marks the location of the discovery. Durrington Wals are marked with a brown circle. While Stone Henge is in the upper left.

Researchers from St Andrews University, Dr. Richard Bates, said that society in the past was more complicated than we imagined. This was investigated through remote detection and sampling.

"Sophisticated practices clearly show that people used to be very much in tune with natural events, whose scope cannot be achieved in the modern world," Bates said on the BBC Indonesia website (22 June 2020).

In addition, the sediments that have been tested from the holes find a new impression of the rich environmental information archive.

This discovery allows archaeologists to write detailed narratives about the landscape of Stonehenge in the past 4,000 years.

Also Read: Photographs of the Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb in 1922 Made in Color

During this time, Durrington Wals was the key to the search for the Stonehenge landscape story. That's why this discovery is amazing, said Dr. Nick Snashall, an archaeologist from the National Institute of Historic Places or the Beauty of England, specifically for the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge.

"This amazing discovery offers clues about the life and beliefs of our Neolithic ancestors," said Snashall on BBC Indonesia.

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