To Stay Beneficial for the Body, Pay Attention to Healthy Ways to Eat Honey
It's not only sweet, and it's a substitute for sugar, honey is one food that has many health benefits, friends!
In various cultures, honey is also used as one of the traditional medicinal ingredients that has been used for thousands of years, lo.
A study found that humans have been using honey since 8,000 years ago.
The benefits of honey include providing antioxidant intake to the body, to help maintain heart health.
Although many benefits, it does not mean we can consume excessive honey.
Yep, there are healthy ways to consume honey that we need to consider.
Honey and Its Effect on Blood Sugar Levels
Honey contains natural sugars and carbohydrates, so naturally consuming honey also affects blood sugar levels.
However, when compared to sugar, the effect of honey on increasing blood sugar levels is smaller.
According to a study, in patients with diabetes, honey affects the increase in blood sugar levels 30 minutes after consumption. However, then the blood sugar level decreases and remains low for two hours.
But keep in mind that there are no studies that prove honey can increase insulin levels that control blood sugar.
Healthy Ways to Eat Honey
1. Pay attention to the dose of honey
Sourced from, consuming too much honey can cause bad effects, why sugar and calorie levels in honey are also high.
Therefore, so that the health benefits are still felt, we should consume honey in moderation, friends.
Experts recommend that we consume honey in moderation, which is about one tablespoon each day.
In one tablespoon of honey, there are approximately 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar. These sugars include fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose.
We can consume honey in this amount directly or mix it in drinks like tea or rub it on food like bread.
According to the SELF website, honey should not be consumed more than six teaspoons or two tablespoons a day. With notes, this is the only source of additional sugar that we consume.
So, if you also consume sugar or other sweetener sources, then the amount of honey consumption is also reduced, yes.
We also need to remember that honey has a sweeter taste than sugar, so in adding honey, the dose does not need as much sugar.
In addition to being an additional sweetener in food or drinks, honey can also be used as a sugar substitute when making cakes, lo. For example, the dose of one tablespoon of sugar can be replaced with ¾ cup of honey.
2. Choosing the type of honey
Each type of honey has a different dose of content, friends.
Experts recommend we choose honey that is darker in color. Apparently, the darker the color of honey, the more antioxidant content there is.
These antioxidants are important compounds that help the body fight free radicals, friends.
However, honey that is getting darker also has a bitter taste.
Do not forget also that there are types of original honey and have been processed. So always pay attention to the composition on the honey package, yes, are there additional sweeteners such as sugar or syrup.
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